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Grace Crossing is a generous church. The past three years we have been able to raise our Ministry Budget because of your faithful giving. As we move forward, we all need to examine our giving and pray about where God wants us to be faithful in our offerings. When we start to think about campus development, our elder team desires to move into this next season without burdening the church with massive debt.


Examine the Time You Invest in the Kingdom of God.



Are you and your family faithfully attending a Life Group and Worship?

What ministries at Grace Crossing are you investing your time in every week?

Would you consider attending the 8:15 service to free up your seat for our community guests in the 10:30 service?

Remember: As a Believer, your time is not your own.  You were "bought with a price..."


Examine your gifts to see how God wants to use you.



God has given each of us talents to use for our good and His glory.

How can you use your gifts to serve Grace Crossing?


Here is a list of opportunities:

Discipleship Group Leader

Equipping Teacher

Extended Session Worker

Discipleship Leader

Door Greeter

Equipping Leader

Kitchen Team

Life Group Leader

Parking Team

Praise Team

Safety Team

Sections Greeter

Tech Ministry


Worship Choir

Worship Band



Examine Your Financial Support of Our Ministry.


Do you currently give?

If not, we would ask you to prayerfully begin today.  Scripture tells us all that we have comes from God, and we should prayerfully give back to God (Gen 14:19-20; Gen 28:20-22; Deut 14:22; Psalm 24:1-2).


Do you currently give toward the Next Steps Fund?

If not, pray about and consider what you could offer every month over and above your regular tithe. This fund will help us in our endeavor to build a new worship space to help us better accommodate God's people in Madison County.

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