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Purpose of Membership

While all believers are part of the Church, the New Testament also stresses the importance of all believers being a part of a local church.  While salvation is not established by membership in a local church, it is Biblical for all believers to be connected to a body of believers for the sake of encouragement, edification, and equipping.


Membership at Grace Crossing

Membership at Grace Crossing is a covenant relationship among fellow believers, as well as with their leaders under Christ.  This covenant relationship calls both Grace Crossing and Covenant Members into a deeper commitment to each other and to the Lord Jesus.  Covenant Members aspire to a close relationship with the Lord Jesus through a deeper commitment to serving, supporting, and affirming Grace Crossing. In this covenant relationship, Grace Crossing pledges to strengthen Covenant Members, through education, discipleship, and service opportunities, to help Covenant Members to better know Jesus and equip them to represent Him in their community.  There is no minimum age for membership, however, members must be 18 years of age to vote on matters brought before the church.  Covenant Members will consist of all persons who have met the qualifications described below.

Process for Membership

Individuals who desire to become Covenant Members of Grace Crossing should begin by making a personal decision that comes from a desire to grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus and Grace Crossing.  Individuals should then inform church leadership of their decision.  


In order to qualify for Covenant Membership an individual must

  • complete the membership class requirements

  • affirm their desire for membership


To become a Covenant Member at Grace Crossing, individuals must

  • complete the membership class requirements

  • affirm their desire for membership


When the Elders have determined that an individual has met the membership qualifications and membership requirements, they shall welcome the individual as a new Covenant Member into the fellowship of the church.

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