Preschool Fly Through Video
September 2020 Update
February 8, 2021 Update
The question around our church over this past year is, "What's next for Grace Crossing?" Our elders, staff, and key church leaders have been discussing this question. It's clear that God is using Grace Crossing to love on, and minister to, the people of Madison County. Our church is vibrant and it is growing both spiritually and numerically. So, what is next?
8:15 Worship | 9:30 Life Group | 10:30 Worship
Most Sunday's, we are reaching 80-90% capacity in our current worship center. Even when it seems like there are empty chairs, guests who come in right at 10:30 or even a few minutes late have a hard time finding a place to sit. For a guest who visits our church, this can give off a "they don't have room for me" vibe often known as the country club complex. Moving to a double worship format will give us the necessary room to continue reaching the people of Madison County and prayerfully inviting them to be a part of our faith family.
We are also running out of space for our preschoolers during extended session. To have childcare on Sunday morning, there are a lot of behind the scene issues that may normally fall blind to the naked eye. Restroom capabilities, fire exit issues, and adequate space for activities are just a few of these issues. Moving to a two worship format will also help in some of these areas as well.
It's been said that Grace Crossing is unique in the fact that the entire church is able to meet and worship together at one time. There is no doubting this luxury and it was taken into serious consideration during vision casting sessions. However, we believe that, for a season, this is where God is directing us. We look forward to worshipping altogether again.
Campus Development
It would be hard to talk about Next Steps for Grace Crossing without talking about campus development. Needs for an effective church building abound for us. We know that we need a worship space so that we can better minister to the people of Madison County. We also have a need for an effective preschool and children's area. There's also need for an area that our student ministry can call their own. Of course, there is also need for more adult education space to further our desire for every member of Grace Crossing to be in a Life Group.
On November 11, at Grace Crossing Celebration, we revealed a plan to expand our campus with 2 new buildings and an add-on to our additional space. This plan will be implemented in three phases.
Phase 1
Preschool & Children Building
Phase 2
Student Space Add-On
Phase 3
Worship Center
How Can YOU Begin to Help Grace Crossing Move to the Next Step?
Examine the Time You Invest in the Kingdom of God.
Are you and your family faithfully attending a Life Group and Worship?
What ministries at Grace Crossing are you investing your time in every week?
Would you consider attending the 8:15 service to free up your seat for our community guests in the 10:30 service?
Remember: As a Believer, your time is not your own. You were "bought with a price..."
Examine your gifts to see how God wants to use you.
God has given each of us talents to use for our good and His glory.
How can you use your gifts to serve Grace Crossing?
Here is a list of opportunities:
Discipleship Group Leader
Equipping Teacher
Extended Session Worker
Discipleship Leader
Door Greeter
Equipping Leader
Kitchen Team
Life Group Leader
Parking Team
Praise Team
Safety Team
Sections Greeter
Tech Ministry
Worship Choir
Worship Band
Examine Your Financial Support of Our Ministry.
Do you currently give?
If not, we would ask you to prayerfully begin today. Scripture tells us all that we have comes from God, and we should prayerfully give back to God (Gen 14:19-20; Gen 28:20-22; Deut 14:22; Psalm 24:1-2).
Do you currently give toward the Next Steps Fund?
If not, pray about and consider what you could offer every month over and above your regular tithe. This fund will help us in our endeavor to build a new worship space to help us better accommodate God's people in Madison County.