Grace Crossing Deacon Team
The Deacon Team at Grace Crossing serves our church family by leading out in essential functions of our church. Service may range from hospital visitation to building repair to greeter ministry to leading mission trips. Whatever the need of the Body, we pray that God will raise up workers who can meet that need!
Biblical Direction Pertaining to Deacons:
Deacons are to be chosen from those who are “known to be full of the Spirit and Wisdom” (Acts 6:3). To be “full of the Spirit” means to be submitted to God’s Spirit and will. To be “full of wisdom” is to be a person who seeks and speaks God’s word and truth.
Deacons are to be servants. The word “deacon” is a translation of the Greek word for “servant”. The first deacons were chosen to help meet the needs of widows in the early church (Acts 6:1-6). Deacons at Grace Crossing Baptist Church are servant leaders whose primary responsibility is to meet the needs of the body of Christ.
Deacons are to be people of integrity. God’s word describes them as “worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. They must first be tested and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons. (1 Timothy 3: 8-10). A deacon’s character is to serve as a model of Christian commitment for the congregation and the community.
Grace Crossing Baptist Church By-Laws provides:
When deemed necessary by the elder council, the membership of Grace Crossing will be asked to nominate qualified men to serve as deacon.
Those men nominated, if willing to serve, will then undergo a questionnaire and interview process as directed by the elder council.
Qualifications for deacon are found in 1st Timothy 3:8-13. Those men who agree to serve will understand that they will be held accountable for these qualifications and that they further agree verbally that with God’s help they will live up to these qualifications. By agreeing to these qualifications, it will mean that, if married, his wife accepts her role as a deacon’s wife and fits the qualification listed in 1st Timothy 3:11.
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